
What comes of it? / Love it, love it
Let go of it / Love comes from it
We're not of this / world for long

Faith and promise /Keep me honest
When starvation / Falls upon us
Daylight told me /You would be

Gone with cold words / spoke upon hers
Wretched in the / tongue of their world
We're not of that world at all / We will never be

Wouldn't it be fine to stand
Behind the words we say
In the best of times
Oh, and you and I know all too well
About the hell and paradise
Right here on earth

Keep it, use it / Build it, move it
Flames can't touch / how time will prove it
Watch us fly / as loud as we can
Let her heart beat / change what I am now

Wouldn't it be fine to stand
Behind the words we say
In the best of times
Oh, and you and I know all too well
About the hell and paradise
Right here on earth